On Sun, 2019-07-28 at 13:41 +0300, A. D Masiakos via dia-list wrote:
> Hello Dia community,
> My name is Apostolos. I'm a Dia user for quite some time now and also
> a
> developer.
> I'm sending this email to say a Hello to everyone here and secondly
> to
> ask some info about the development status of Dia.
> Is Dia under active development? I've hit the mailing lists of the


> past
> few months but what i see there are topics related to mostly
> troubleshooting questions.
> Dia is already a great tool to accomplish a variety of tasks, and
> could
> become so much better.
> I'm having some ideas about feature development and i want to check
> out
> whats going on to the community as well.
> Is there am active pool of people contributing at feature development


> on
> Dia at this moment  ?

At the moment work is on modernisation rather than features

> Thanks! :-)
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Zander Brown <zbr...@gnome.org>
GNOME Design Tooling (Icon Preview, Colour Palette)
Dia Diagram Editor

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