On Wednesday, July 31, 2019 01:49:55 PM Zander Brown wrote:
> On Wed, 2019-07-31 at 08:58 +0000, Duncan Borland wrote:
> > I am looking at using DIA to replace an expensive MS Visio
> > environment, but have discovered that VSDX extensions do not feature
> > on the open list of file types.
> > 
> > Is that likely to change

I use dia very occasionally, so I may be way off base with this comment (and I

I'm assuming that the problem you are describing is that you don't see files 
with vsdx extensions when you go to open a file, and I presume you see the 
option to view all files.

Maybe it is a complaint from your users who don't like that extra step or the 
extra files to look through to find the ones with the VSDX extensions?
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