On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 01:22:04AM +0100, Zander Brown wrote:
On Tue, 2020-10-20 at 20:04 -0400, Ron Wilson via dia-list wrote:
Adding a special header is not an option for most people. A topic specific
email address is something everyone can use.

I have seen systems that accept a prefix or suffix to the user part of the
address for purposes of "sorting" incoming email into "sub folders" of the
user's mail box. The same idea could be adapted for tagging messages to
entered into Discourse (or other forum software).

I believe the suggestion here was literally starting an email with

Tagged: This, That, Whatever

My message here

Upstream indeed proposed that. I don't think it's a good solution, it's a bit weird to write an email like that. Further, it'll likely lead to mistakes. For now (still loads of mailing lists to investigate) I don't think multiple tags will be used in an email address too often. And still, could have something like CATEGORY-TAG1,t...@gnome.org, though something better than ",".

A solution could be a bit difficult, e.g. how to deal with someone sending one email to category-t...@gnome.org and cc category-t...@gnome.org. Still, it is better to handle the complexity in software rather than something that is likely to cause mistakes.

Rather than messing around with message headers (as you say that would be quite
inaccessible) though I must admit something like
applications+...@discourse.gnome.org (vs the regular untagged
applicati...@discourse.gnome.org) makes more sense to me

Of course this is something to mention/discuss upstream with Discourse

I think it was clear enough that they'd accept a patch. I'm hoping to find someone interested and capable. Seems it's written in Ruby on Rails, plus they support multiple methods for inbound email.

E.g. what I'd expect:

But what they also support (polling via POP3):

A quick search shows that it's likely the following file:
this is called via an API (exactly how I'm not sure yet) via a docker mail-receiver. The Postfix configuration seems to be set here:
Postfix currently passes on the entire recipient address.

Though not knowing Ruby, above file doesn't seem too complicated. It "just" needs to be expanded to support tags. Postfix puts the recipient extension (postfix in the environment variable EXTENSION (TAG in category-...@gnome.org if http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#recipient_delimiter is set to "-". Alternatively, the Postfix configuration can be adjusted. Interestingly, while this mail-receiver seems to check if there is a recipient, it doesn't pass this information on. See https://github.com/discourse/mail-receiver/blob/master/lib/mail_receiver/discourse_mail_receiver.rb. There it just seems to post the original email. It's a bit difficult to see what functions is called in between this file and the receiver.rb file (referred to earlier).

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