At 08:56 30.04.01 -0500, Lars Clausen wrote:
>On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Claus Sørensen wrote:
>> What is the roadmap for the next version?
Let's see if all the developers/users can agree on this ? 
Dia 0.87 should:

- work on all major platforms, (Does this include Gnome 1.4; 
  anyone using Gnome 1.4 out there ?)
- make available all the bugfixes since the last official
  version (Dia 0.86 has had some serious problems with some
  menu actions, see: Objects/Align/Equal Distance thread.
  Are there any *users* out there ?)
- contain less bugs/more features than the previous release
- silence complaining about bugs, which got fixed month ago
- be localized properly ?

>> Is there a feature freeze?
Interesting question. Lars, what do you think about this one ?

>> One of the main engines in Open Source/Free 
>> Softeware projects is release often so you don't 
>> have these huge gaps between releases.
Wow, what a deep insight. I've always thought the main engine
in Free Software projects are motivated developers. Why
should one do something for free if he could as well earn
money with it ?

Maybe because of fun, challenge, glory, or simply because
he wants to use the program himself ...

Maybe *not* because of continous complaining.

>> Couldn't you release more often so more of us 
>> can benefit for the work you have been doing 
>> since last release.
IHMO the key question here is: Is the benefit on both sides ?
Doing an official release does require some extra work which
almost never falls into the fun category. Part of this work
can be done by the users, who are willing to build from cvs.

Do you want bugs to be eliminated, than tell about!

>Then reason we aren't seeing a release is that our maintainer, James
>Henstridge, seems to have slunk away somewhere.
goto start_of_mail;


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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