Claude Almansi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "A Flash player with Smil support to meet GL 1.2, SC 1.2.5"
> <>,
> Wed, 2 May 2007
> where he gives an accurate technical description of the player, an
> example of which  can be seen in
> <>
> >From my non techie beta-tester's  viewpoint:
> - Using a SMIL file (1)  as a hub/cogwheel to synchronize the various
> other involved files (video, audio, captioning text files) means that
> you don't have to have a video editing software to insert the
> subtitles in the video: they stay put in the lower part of the player.
> (1) Re SMIL, see

That sounds like a very, very cool concept!!!

I wonder though what it would take to get a multimedia player of this
type which avoids the proprietary lock-in to Macromedia Flash?


Norbert Bollow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
President of the Swiss Internet User Group SIUG
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