Thanks for posting, this, Phil. Meanwhile, for those of you who use RSS readers like Bloglines, Thunderbird or Firefox, you can get a feed of all DDN blogs with this URL:

Please remember this is an RSS feed, so it won't be very readable unless you use an RSS reader. For more info about RSS, please read my tutorial:



Phil Shapiro wrote:
hi DDN members -

      one of the things i think about a lot is ways to increase the
quantity and quality of online conversations, while at the same time
keeping people from feeling overwhelmed with the quantity of email
they receive.

       the blogging feature on the new DDN web site is a big step forward
in that regard. it's a place where useful information and ideas can
be shared in a timely fashion with hardly any effort at all.

         if you've already set up an account on the new DDN site and
haven't tried blogging, i suggest giving it a try.  you can set
up your blog from the Profile area of the DDN site.

          i browse the DDN blogs once or twice a day to stay in the loop
about things. i'm constantly learning new things from deborah
elizabeth finn and the other pioneering DDN bloggers. the genius
of the DDN blogs design is that a single mouse-click takes you
to all the new blog postings.  it's like reading slashdot,
except all the blog postings are more directly connected to your

           yes, you can include links right within your blog postings. the
syntax for creating a link in html is  <a href =
"";>text you're linking

           use this same syntax and replace where you're linking to and
the text you're linking from.

             as the DDN community continues to grow, the blogging feature
on the DDN site will be one of the best ways for community
members to share information and ideas with each other.  the
DDN email list still has its place and function. the more of
us who are start blogging on the DDN site, the stronger our
overall community will be.

                - phil

note - to edit your blog postings on the DDN blogs, click on the title
(subject) of the blog posting you want to edit.  an edit link will then
show up at the bottom of the blog posting. click on the Edit link, make
revisions, and then click Edit again to save your revised blog posting.

-- ----------------------------------- Andy Carvin Program Director EDC Center for Media & Community acarvin @ edc . org Blog: ----------------------------------- _______________________________________________ DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of the message.

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