Nope. It does not work. I assure you, I have tried repeatedly. I have tried creating new accounts. It does NOT work on my machine, not with any of the three browsers I had.

I'm certainly not a super user, but I'm certainly not a novice either. There are many sites where one of my browsers work and the other doesn't, but gets the award as a triple threat -- none of my three browsers work.

The digital divide isn't just in the South...

Huh. So now we have the digital divide as a older mac vs. pc divide?
No wonder didn't work when I went to my my mom's house.
Too many sites ignore mac testing altogether and I guess they'd rather test it out on the newer browsers like safari and firefox on the assumption that all mac users have upgraded to version X and above by now. Usually you only have a few overworked people doing the testing and if the statistics say that only .05 % are going to be using such an old browser on a mac, they probably ignored it, figuring that those people won't know about blogging anyway...


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