Dan Bassill wrote:

>Unless hundreds or thousands of people who know how to deliver a message
>through the use of the Internet (and traditional pr) begin to use their
>skills to draw more people into conversations about capacity building, we'll
>continue to be a small group of people who are isolated and limited in our
>capacity to implement the great ideas that are presented every day in a
>variety of on-line forums.
>We don't have the financial resources of corporations. We never will. We
>need to make up for this by the actions of each of us. We can be a choir, or
>we can just make noise and add to the confusion.
>If groups like MoveOn can mobilize thousands (millions?) of people for a
>political candidate, why cannot we have the same result in efforts to help
>make this a better world?
>Dan Bassill
>Tutor/Mentor Connection
Well... I hate to borrow one of Louis L'amour's analogies, but - people
were killing each other way before the gun. They probably started off
with rocks, then sharp pointy sticks and/or blunt sticks, and so on.
When you look at the history of weaponry, the refinements encapsulate
different periods of technology. The bronze age lead to bronze weapons.
Then iron. Then steel. Then gunpowder. And so on.

Communication is no different. Consider Krispy Kreme donuts. They've
never advertised, but anyone in the U.S. can probably tell you about
Krispy Kreme donuts. Oddly enough, I've never had one - but I know about
them because... people around me talked about them, and spoke highly of
them. Perhaps we can learn from Krispy Kreme.

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: San Fernando, Trinidad


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