Hi everyone,

Nature magazine has just published the results of an investigation comparing Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica regarding accuracy of scientific information. The result: almost a tie. Examining 42 scientific topics, Nature's team of experts and editors found an average of four inaccuracies per Wikipedia entry, and three per Britannica entry.

I've written about the study on my blog; I also propose the possibility of adding by-lines to Wikipedia entries that include eBay-like trust rankings for each Wikipedian, allowing the reader to make a more informed judgment about the accuracy of the entry.

The full blog entry can be found here:


Here's a snippet:

The magazine asked experts in various scientific fields to review 42 topics in both Wikipedia and Britannica. The result: both sources had a similar number of mistakes. On average, Wikipedia entries had four errors or ommissions, while Britannica had three. When you add these up with misleading statements, 162 were found in Wikipedia, while 123 appeared in Britannica.

"People will find it shocking to see how many errors there are in Britannica," Nature quotes information scientist Michael Twidale. "Print encyclopaedias are often set up as the gold standards of information quality against which the failings of faster or cheaper resources can be compared. These findings remind us that we have an 18-carat standard, not a 24-carat one."


While I'm concerned about protecting the anonymity of Wikipedians posting on sensitive topics, particularly from countries that oppress free expression, this issue only affects a very small minority of entries. Isn't it more important for Wikipedia to build confidence among the online public? If that's the case, the anonymity policy needs to be assessed more radically. I love Wikipedia, but I'd feel a hell of a lot more comfortable with what I read if there were also a transparent paper trail for the Wikipedians editing articles.

Perhaps a solution would be to strongly discourage anonymity. For those entries that have edits posted by an anonymous Wikipedian, place an icon prominently on the page warning us that the entry was edited anonymously, so readers can make an informed judgment. For those that have been edited by people willing to log in with their names, have those names appear on the entry's page as a by-line, with links to their biographies. I know that all of this information can be found in the entry's history page, but the average Internet user who doesn't know the inner workings of Wikipedia won't realize this. By placing the names of the contributors on the marquee of each entry, the authors are forced to stand up and take credit for it - for better or worse - just like a scientific journal.

Then, perhaps we need to add an eBay-like rating system for Wikipedians. For Wikipedians whose work is judged as accurate, let readers award them a point, or perhaps 1-10 rating system (ie, a perfect 10 for stellar wikipedians with strong credentials who cite primary source materials obsessively, and a 1 for those whose work is clearly incompetent). That way, when you go to a wikipedia entry, you can judge it on the rating of the Wikipedians. You could even do the same for the articles themselves: wouldn't it be useful to know if 83% of the readers of one particular entry found it lacking in one way or another?


The Nature investigation can be found here:



Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com
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