Hello to all,
I read the article in the NY Times and was deeply disappointed in the paper of 
record.  The editorial perspective taken (giving the reporter the benefit of 
the doubt) was similar to the way much of the US deals with issues surrounding 
race, ethnicity, and socio-economic conditions:  What problem?  
Many of you have taken apart the position put forth point by point so I shan't 
continue this exercise.  We who care about the complex issues that form the DD 
simply must work harder and smarter in order to gather the appropriate 
resources and implement strategies to engage those who have the inclination but 
not the access or the access but not the inclination to use the technology for 
anything of enduring value.  
Gaming theory is a wonderful tool of engagement as entertainment never goes out 
of style.  There are folks at Johns Hopkins School of Professional Studies in 
Business and Education (among other institutions) who are doing research on 
ways of using gaming for education.  That is one angle.  Another is creating 
content which is interesting enough to pull people in who are not already 
thinking about diving in the deep end of the pool.  The tools for doing so are 
becoming more easily accessible to the relative novice with the GenV iPod, and 
the multi-purpose cel phone available as additional distribution platforms.  
Access to fun and games is not my definition of closing the DD in a meaningful 
way but it is a start.  When technology can be used to educate and improve the 
economic conditions of people on a broad scale, then we're talkin' about 
something.  This becomes more difficult when disinformation like the article 
that sparked this discussion come out with an Alfred E. Newman "What Me Worry?" 
perspective.  Mind you I haven't even touched in the race/class issues here 
because I don't want to blow a gasket getting myself vexed on a Saturday 
morning.  Not to mention how all of this must sound like foolishness to those 
of our friends who live in 'developing' countries who must think we are a 
nation full of ridiculous contradictions and nincompoops when they read about 
this stuff.  Keep fighting the good fight. 
All the Best
Paul Mondesire
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