Georg Wrede wrote:
I had no idea. Good you told me, I've put an ack in the source file.

Thanks. I tried to locate the source in the dmd tree, but in vain.
So probably it should appear when rdmd is run with no arguments for there to be any effect... :-)

It's on dsource under phobos/tools. On, there's a "download" link. (I have just checked it in.)

By the way, I added a couple more flags:

Usage: rdmd [RDMD AND DMD OPTIONS]... program [PROGRAM OPTIONS]...
Builds (with dependents) and runs a D program.
Example: rdmd -release myprog --myprogparm 5

Any option to be passed to dmd must occur before the program name. In addition
to dmd options, rdmd recognizes the following options:
  --build-only      just build the executable, don't run it
  --chatty          write dmd commands to stdout before executing them
  --compiler=comp   use the specified compiler (e.g. gdmd) instead of dmd

Heh, had to actually use this one when I checked rdmd before posting. Now i have dmd1 and dmd2 and obviously needed this.

  --dry-run         do not compile, just show what commands would be run
                      (implies --chatty)
  --force           force a rebuild even if apparently not necessary
  --eval=code       evaluate code a la perl -e
--loop assume "foreach (line; stdin.byLine()) { ... }" for eval
  --help            this message
  --man             open web browser on manual page
  --shebang         rdmd is in a shebang line (put as first argument)

If foo.d is to be run like

$ ./foo.d

then rdmd has to be on the shebang line anyway. And if you run

$ rdmd foo.d

then you're already running rdmd. So, where do you use --shebang?

Because of the primitive way the shell parses the shebang line. Consider:

#!/usr/bin/rdmd -unittest
... code ...

All's dandy. Now say I want also -O:

#!/usr/bin/rdmd -unittest -O
... code ...

No go. The shell passes "-unittest -O" as one argument to rdmd, which is not recognized as a flag. Always parsing the spaces away is not an option because there are filenames and string arguments with spaces. So I added --shebang to mean, parse the spaces in this argument:

#!/usr/bin/rdmd --shebang=-unittest -O
... code ...

Of particular interest are --eval and --loop. Very helpful :o).

Oh, these both are cool!

PS: are you using zsh? The examples on have a percent prompt instead of the dollar prompt. Zsh seems to be fading out, the faq is from 2005, and the last Fedora doesn't even have zsh as an option.

Yah. I didn't know it was going away. To me it seems pretty powerful, e.g. more so than bash. Bummer...


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