Hello Nick,

"BCS" <n...@anon.com> wrote in message

Hello Nick,

what they can do is additionally provide a
non-youtube/flash version. Which should be really [censored] easy
they had to have already had one in order to upload it to craptube
the first place.
Ha ha, you censored the "f^&*^&*"? :)

And you just proved that not showing something sometimes makes a bigger point than showing it <g>

If they can, yes, but they might not have access to general file
hosting or if they do, the bandwidth to steam video.

1. Sure, some people may not, but considering how cheap and easy good
hosting packages are these days,

a.k.a. almost but /not/ free.

I find it hard to believe that, out
of a group of programmers, any more than a small minority wouldn't
have reasonable hosting.

I don't because I can't afford it.

I mean look at me, I can't afford basic
airfare to go to a conference (or any of the repairs that my car
currently needs), but I still have a gig or so of hosted space and
about 100x as much bandwidth as I'm actually using.

The cheapest hosting package I've seen would be about 15-25% of my income after expenses; food, rent, power (to run my Intel brand heaters), tuition.

2. Torrent

For me that is even less accessible. I don't have a torrent client because I'd have to be rude: http://xkcd.com/553/

Torrents has the problem that many places need to throttle them to let other stuff thought and for torrents, the only way to throttle them is ban and block them completely like my university tries to do.

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