Sergey Gromov wrote:
Tue, 03 Nov 2009 10:39:13 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:

Optlink is written entirely in rather impenetrable assembler code, and is resistant to understanding and modification. Hence, over the last few months I've been very slowly converting it to C, function by function.


Once it is in C and working, it will be trivial to translate it to D and start rewriting it.

Anyhow, during this process I stumbled upon what the problem was.

That's definitely good news!

Actually, I'm slowly working on a D linker myself.  Writing it in D,
from scratch.  My goal is to allow linking a mix of OMF and COFF objects
and libraries into the same executable, obviating the need for any
conversion.  I wonder if it's feasible to continue my work.  I'm just a
couple baby steps beyond the rough design stage.

Well, probably I'll continue anyway, as long as I've got the courage.  I
like to re-invent wheels after all.

I hope you're making use of pragma's DDL code. He did so much work in making sense of the object file formats.

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