Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 09:00:21 -0500, Johannes Pfau <>
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> David Wang wrote:
>>>> Dear Walter,
>>>> I went to the github and try to download the source, I found that
>>>> the latest version on github is the old version.
>>>> for example:
>>>> druntime - Downloads: dmd-2.042
>>>> Phobos -   Downloads: phobos-2.046
>>>> DMD -      Downloads: dmd-2.046
>>>> I think the actural latest version of D should be 2.051.
>>>> Why github can not showing the 2.051 version(dmd, phobos,
>>>> druntime, and so on.) ?
>>> I think it is because the tags were never done properly on svn,
>>> either.
>> It's still possible to add the tags (see
>> "Tagging Later") but we'd have to
>> know the commits used for the releases. I guess there's
>> no easy way to figure out which commits were used for the releases?
>All source is included in the compiler.  It's simply a matter of doing
>a directory compare of the code against source control.  The date
>released should narrow it down to a manageable level.
>I have done it in the past  
>(  In fact, it  
>looks like I was the last one to tag druntime :)
>Some script-fu could probably fill in all the holes automatically...

OK, here are some revisions:
2.051 seems to be revision 1374ba96fa5516d9595fa61b09015197a8b84385
  Note: The changelog on the website says release date Nov 7 but it's
  more like 20th December.
  Note2: The git repository contains a object.h file in that revision
  which isn't in the dmd zip.
2.050 50fb3d60811b203ac50a0d9169bf15a28881c9b5
  Note: The git repository contains a argtypes.c file in that revision
  which isn't in the dmd zip.
2.049 ab38d58ecb78924d631f7f77863fff2a6c234eb6
2.048 bcf720fe079fd979fa9e81f63ab2de3dde9284dc
2.047 ad4ae4a4fd3dbdb591ebc288378a7200d2ed6d48
  Note: In the dmd zip, there are 7 additional lines in
  root/root.c. Those were later added to the repository, but
  ad4ae4a4fd3dbdb591ebc288378a7200d2ed6d48 seems to be the correct

Johannes Pfau

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