On Wednesday, January 02, 2013 23:58:08 Chris Nicholson-Sauls wrote:
> All I can say is I've never looked back since abandoning
> Canonical linuxes. And Debian in general, really. Hooray for
> Gentoo.

Glutton for punishment are we? I used to use it and got sick of stuff breaking 
on me during updates (if Walter doesn't like dealing with updates on Ubuntu, 
I'd be shocked if he liked dealing with updates on Gentoo). I use Arch these 
days, since it provides a lot of the benefits of Gentoo without anywhere near 
as many of the headaches.

But if I had to recommend an easy-to-use distro, I'd recommend OpenSuSE, but 
as with all such things, YMMV. For better or worse, Ubuntu is very popular.

- Jonathan M Davis

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