Am 20.03.2013 13:42, schrieb Jacob Carlborg:
On 2013-03-20 08:57, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

You still can't replace evertything with custom alloc templates and have
nice syntax. There are at least two cases where it does not work nicely:

1) Arrays (no new T [size] syntax)
2) Inner classes (a template can't automatically capture the outer class)

So I think overloading new and delete actually has its place. But the
way it is currently implemented in D is useless in my eyes.

Instead of having a special keyword like we have now. We could have, as
has been suggested before, a regular function or method.

With a class, there's also the possibility to return a different type or
a singleton:

class Foo
    Foo new ()

class Bar : Foo {}

But with a regular function you always have the problem that you need to pass the constructor argumnets along. If there are implict conversion form literals to constructor arguments neccessary this will fail as soon as you pass them through a function.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

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