On Thursday, June 20, 2013 21:05:46 TommiT wrote:
> Currently, I think they're discussing if it's possible to add
> mutable external iterators to Rust, which doesn't seem possible,
> because the strong memory safety Rust has chosen to operate
> within is quite restrictive. And if you can't have external
> iteration, you can't have generic algorithms, and no proper
> generic programming. I think that's a pretty good argument
> against Rust at the moment, but who knows, maybe they can figure
> it out. There's some info:
> http://www.marshut.com/nxyuu/the-future-of-iterators-in-rust.html
> But I wouldn't go around bashing Rust, it seems a very nice
> language.

I haven't really looked into Rust, but from everything I've heard, it sounds 
like it's still very much in research and development mode, so I don't think 
that we can really have any clue where it'll be when it's actually ready for 
production use. It sounds like they have a lot of interesting ideas that 
they're trying out, which may or may not pan out, and we'll just have to wait 
and see where they end up.

- Jonathan M Davis

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