On Thursday, 20 June 2013 at 14:59:33 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Adam D. Ruppe:

Is it just me or has Rust completely displaced Go as the go-to 'why D when we have X' thing on the reddit?

It seems like not even a full year ago, Rust was rarely mentioned and all the versus hype was about Go.

Go now is not advertised as a system language, and I think it has found its niche, sufficiently different from D. So there's much less reason for them to be discussed together.

One year ago Rust was less developed compared to now. And Rust is meant to be a low level system language (from what I am seeing lately, it seems Rust is gaining a niche at a level lower than D).

In threads where both Rust and D are discussed, I suggest everybody to not express bad opinions in general about Rust. If you want to criticize Rust then I suggest to write only on very specific features at a time.


Go reminds me of the days I used to play around with Native Oberon, given its Oberon-2 influences. On my view it is a bit too opinionated.

Rust appeals to my ML soul, given the time I spend with Caml Light, Haskell and OCaml. I used to dislike the pointer syntax, now I would say I can live with it.

D is C++ done right and its design pleases me.

I like all three of them and sadly can't use any of them on a JVM/.NET enterprise world I live on.

Plus all of them have a very nice feature, direct compilation to native code.

Maybe, just maybe, the increase on their usage can make the industry move slowly back to native code, as it did back in the day P-Code VMs were eventually abandoned.

That is the main reason why nowadays I try to think several times, before posting about the known issues Go has.

As a language geek I think all might have their place.


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