On Thursday, 20 June 2013 at 14:37:51 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Is it just me or has Rust completely displaced Go as the go-to 'why D when we have X' thing on the reddit?

It seems like not even a full year ago, Rust was rarely mentioned and all the versus hype was about Go. Will Rust fade away from D threads a year from now?

Hype is usual reaction to anything new and uncertain. More interesting question is "what will be left after hype ends?". Go has fit its narrow niche and it became obvious that it won't directly compete to something as wide-purpose as D. Lot of people like opinionated restrictions and minimalistic design but that does not deal well with generic usage. However it has somewhat taken away one of many possible D niches.

It is close to impossible to reason about possible niche Rust may finally find because it is so new and in early design stage. However, its toolset is already much more rich than Go one and in that sense it provides more interesting competitor to D.

I am quite sure it will fade away from D threads soon, but will it fade away from D landscape - no idea :)

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