Am 29.01.2014 05:24, schrieb Craig Dillabaugh:
I've created bindings for the C Shapefile Library.  Shapefiles
are a format used commonly in vector based Geographic Information
Systems, often for data interchange. It is a pretty simple
library and it is my first effort at creating such bindings.

I've looked in Demios and to see what the standard
setup for such bindings is, and while most are similar there
doesn't seem to be an accepted layout.  If anyone has a moment to
spare I would be happy if someone could have a look to see if
there are any obvious improvements that should be made.

I plan to run a few more tests on my bindings, and once those all
work, I hope to add this to

There are only two possible improvements that I can see:

 - The "C" folder may be better off in the root folder of the project,
   because it doesn't fit with the D sources from a build process point
   of view. In practice it doesn't really hurt either, so your mileage
   may vary.

 - Usually I try to include .lib files for the library bindings on
   Windows, since it greatly simplifies the setup process, which is
   usually trivial on Linux.

Other than that I'd recommend to use a version scheme for the git tags/branches that matches the version scheme of the C library (probably excluding the patch version, which should be reserved for the binding itself). Unfortunately the Deimos bindings use neither branches, nor version tags.

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