On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 00:05:20 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
Not really. There's still usable functionality in there for all architectures (although I'm not sure how practically useful).

Just to expand on that remark: my impression is that individual random devices are inevitably going to be architecture-dependent. /dev/random and /dev/urandom are Posix devices; Windows AFAIK has its own alternative. So the broad idea is that you'd have as much generic functionality as possible available to all architectures (mostly related to what sources you read from; a file, a socket, something else?), and then individual architecture-dependent aliases would map this to particular random sources available to them.

Then, finally, you'd have some default alias RandomDevice that would point to an appropriate architectural default; so e.g.

    version (Posix)
        alias RandomDevice = DevURandom!uint;
    else version (Windows)
        alias RandomDevice = ...
    // etc.

... so, unless you were quite specific about your requirements, 90% of the time you could just use RandomDevice and expect it to Just Work whatever your platform.

But as random devices are not my strongest area of expertise, I'll happily take advice here.

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