On 08/29/2014 07:07 PM, Sean Kelly wrote:
> On Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at 18:06:00 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:
>> "eles"  wrote in message news:rixtiaiokrukvqjsf...@forum.dlang.org...
>>> One such platform exists and is the embedded system, others are the
>>> linux kernel and the like, and even others are writing D compiler
>>> back-ends and, yes, druntimes (well, exactly the part that it is
>>> called phobos-runtime above).
>> An embedded system that can support all of D but doesn't have a
>> cruntime?  I don't believe it.  If it has a cruntime then providing
>> bindings is a non-issue, and if it can't support all of D then
>> supporting only a subset (and then being free to exclude core.stdc) is
>> inevitable.
> There was a D runtime years ago created as a separate project
> around the time that Druntime had its beginnings (as Ares) that
> had no dependencies on standard C.  The creator went by Maide in
> IRC, and she was doing some really cool stuff with it that made D
> work kind of like ObjectiveC.  I don't think it's in development
> any more, but it's probably possible to track it down with enough
> googling.

It's still available at dsource: http://www.dsource.org/projects/ares

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