On Thursday, 18 September 2014 at 19:52:42 UTC, bearophile wrote:
I've created pull request, which introduces multiple alias this.

Can someone show one or more usage cases?

Thank you,

Do you ask about alias this or about it multiple usage. Multiple usage is similar to single, but multiple:)

struct Foo
    string s;
    int i;

    alias s this;
    alias i this;

Foo f = {"foo", 42};
string s = f; //s == "foo"
int i = f; //i == 42

If there are many different ways to resolve alias this then error is raised:

struct Bar
    double d;
    int i;

    alias d this;
    alias i this;

Foo f = {1.0, 42};
double d = f; //Error: compiler doesn't know, f.d or f.i do you want.

In the next expamle, compiler can resolve conflict:

struct Base1
    int i;

    alias i this;

struct Base2
    int i;

    alias i this;

struct Derived
    Base1 b1;
    Base2 b2;
    int i;

    alias b1 this;
    alias b2 this;
    alias i this;

Derived d = Derived(Base1(1), Base2(2), 3);
int i = d; //i == 3;
This done because Derived author know, how to cast his struct to int, and if he say alias i this; this alias hide aliases in base types.

However, if base type contains alias this to another acceptable type, and derived typ hasn't exactly castable alias this then error will be raised:

struct Base1
    short s;

    alias s this;

struct Base2
    int i;

    alias i this;

struct Derived
    Base1 b1;
    Base2 b2;
    int i;

    alias b1 this;
    alias b2 this;
    alias i this;

Derived d = Derived(Base1(1), Base2(2), 3);
int i = d; //Ok i == 3;
long l = d; //Error: what do you want? d.i or d.b1.s?

For additional info you can see examples in my pull request.

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