Speaker's pages (http://dconf.org/2015/talks/zvibel.html for example) shows 2014 in the title.

On Monday, 23 March 2015 at 16:47:30 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Dconf 2015's programme is on! http://dconf.org/2015/index.html

I would like to thank everyone who submitted a proposal. We've had very strong proposals this year and a 50% acceptance rate, which made it very difficult to only choose half.

Submitters are encouraged to join the conference; we'll have two panels and ample unstructured time during the evenings to keep discussions going.

Last but not least, I encourage everyone in the community to register. The strength of any conference is ultimately decided by its attendees. We're operating at a loss to keep registration costs low, and chose a location that is accessible and affordable.

Take the schedule to your employer or academic advisor and ask them if you can attend!


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