Laeeth Isharc <> writes:

> I can confirm that D also runs on Android Wear (Huawei watch) and
> passes all unit tests.  Forgive the slight hijack, but I mention this
> here as people might see this thread and not the obscure one where I
> reported this previously.

I think it is a good hijack!

> Somebody should do a blog post about this (and how to get it to work
> step by step - it's easy when you know how, but the set of people that
> don't and would like to but will get stuck is quite large).

For watchOS, soon there will be a binary release of cross compiler with
phobos and will have instructions like I have for the iOS release.

What is holding me up is I still am trying to decide how to manage
multiple releases (iOS, tvOS, and watchOS) since the libraries are all
different but the compiler is the same. It doesn't fit the mold but I'd
like to have a single bin with multiple libs.

> I might have a commercial use for this in coming months (both on
> Android and watchOS).  Since it's an internal application the rough
> edges are of less concern to me than if one expects 100,000+ users.

Laeeth, note that app store approval may be a ways off since they want
to use their own LLVM to compile bitcode and I have patches not in
official LLVM. If you only need to side load watchOS, then you will soon
be good to go.

> Wrappers for everything would help a lot (and then some tutorials) - I
> guess the Apple stuff is under way.

The D Objective-C interface is not in LDC yet and I think what is in dmd
so far only supports a subset (instance method calls I think).  There
are other ways, depending on what you need to do, but right know it
seems best to do all the UI stuff in Swift or Objective-C and use D for
everything else.


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