On Thursday, 24 March 2016 at 01:49:25 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
First beta for the 2.071.0 release.

This release comes with many import and lookup related changes and fixes. You might see a lot of deprecation warnings b/c of these changes. We've added the -transition=import switch and -transition=checkimports [¹] switches to ease updating existing code.

http://dlang.org/download.html#dmd_beta http://dlang.org/changelog/2.071.0.html

Please report any bugs at https://issues.dlang.org


[¹]: -transition=checkimports currently has a bug that creates false positive warnings about the $ symbols, this will be fixed in the next beta (Bugzilla 15825)

Awesome! I'm really happy to see the protection issues fixed. Especially the DIP22 and selective/named import stuff.

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