On Thursday, 24 March 2016 at 01:49:25 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
First beta for the 2.071.0 release.

This release comes with many import and lookup related changes and fixes. You might see a lot of deprecation warnings b/c of these changes. We've added the -transition=import switch and -transition=checkimports [¹] switches to ease updating existing code.

http://dlang.org/download.html#dmd_beta http://dlang.org/changelog/2.071.0.html

Please report any bugs at https://issues.dlang.org


[¹]: -transition=checkimports currently has a bug that creates false positive warnings about the $ symbols, this will be fixed in the next beta (Bugzilla 15825)

Congrats on fixing the import issues 313 and 314, the 7th and 8th oldest D2 issues in bugzilla, before they hit a decade:


Looking forward to getting rid of the remaining top-level non-selective imports in phobos.

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