And this:


On 01/26/2017 07:26 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
We're live now:


On 01/25/2017 11:53 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Our long time member and friend Jon Degenhardt has graciously accepted
to present on very short notice.

He will give a preview of some performance benchmarks that he has been
running of tools in C, Rust, and Go that overlap with what Jon writes in
D at eBay. Jon has been observing that D versions are faster in nearly
all cases, and not by a small margin. In a total surprise, Jon's version
of ‘cut’ is faster than GNU cut on large files: On a 4.8GB, 7M lines
test file, GNU cut takes 12.4 sec, while Jon's version takes 4.2 sec.
(GNU cut is faster on small files.)

The big take-away is that this was achieved without a lot of low-level
coding, using mostly high level D primitives and the standard library.
There was some tuning and lessons learned, but nothing extensive.

I may post a link to Google Hangouts here at the time of the event (7pm
Pacific time). Hopefully, the mic will not be muted. (True story! :p)


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