
Let me know the dates and I'll blast it to the channels I'm on (Codeaholics, Dim Sum Labs hacker space.)


On 5/9/2017 03:25, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
Several of us from the D community will be in Hong Kong on a business trip
next week (me, John Colvin, Atila Neves, and Ilya Yaroshenko), and our
client, Symmetry Investments[1], has offered to sponsor a dlang meetup. We
haven't decided when exactly to meet up yet, but we're looking to meet up
sometime during the week of the 11th - 15th (probably on Thursday or Friday
evening) and figured that we should see if anyone here was interested in
showing up and would thus have some stake in when during the week it

The current plan is that the meetup will take place at Symmetry's main
office in Chater House in Central Hong Kong.

- Jonathan M Davis

[1] http://symmetryinvestments.com/about-us/

Some open source dlang stuff whose developement was paid for by Symmetry:

Of note is https://github.com/kaleidicassociates/excel-d which Atila talked
about at dconf this year.

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