On Monday, 11 June 2018 at 12:32:32 UTC, Dechcaudron wrote:
On Monday, 11 June 2018 at 05:50:56 UTC, Anton Fediushin wrote:
Regarding vulnerabilities, if there are any I and authors/maintainers of dlang-tour will be interested in fixing them ASAP. After all, dlangbot uses tour's code under the hood.

Then I assume all trivial vulnerabilities are taken care of. I just thought you had implemented this from scratch to run on a computer of yours.

I'd like to believe it though I know there must be a bug somewhere. There always is.

Dlangbot runs on AWS. I use docker-compose to isolate all of the related services (bot, database and the one which executes the code).

Executable downloading would require me to rewrite the back-end. I am not sure if it'll worth it because it's not clear how safe that would be for a user and how usable that feature will be. I mean, if user already has x86-64 Linux machine (that's what dlangbot uses) then will it be any simpler and faster to message the bot with code, download an executable and run it than compiling it using installed compiler?

Here you are assuming the user has a compiler installed on his machine. It may not be the case in some environments or for some people that are just toying around with the language.

I think my assumption is right, because newbies are more likely to start with D either reading books or dlang-tour which provides means to compile and execute examples and edit them as one wants.

Even dub, official package manager and build tool for D promotes using `dub run package` instead of building the project and running an executable manually. This approach does make sense because it prevents some silly mistakes people make.

I'll open an issue about your idea, but I can't see it being very useful so it's very unlikely to be implemented at all. Who knows though, it might be very easy to do if I decide to change the architecture of the whole project.

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