On Saturday, 23 June 2018 at 09:41:19 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:
Man, proggit can be savage with the criticism. Every Nim/Rust and the one Ada programmer have come out of the woodwork to make sure you know their language supports nested functions. You've seemingly got to be an expert in every current language to write a comparison article that suggests D may have some advantages.

I've read the criticisms about the choice of the alternative language on the Reddit page, and I think that most of them are finally quite unfair.

In my programming career, I've already used many strongly-typed languages (C, C++, C#, Java, D, Go, Rust, Nim, Crystal, Julia, Pascal, etc) for at least one professional or personal project, and I'm also convinced that D is a good alternative to EP, especially compared to C++, Go and Rust for instance.

Where I disagree with Bastiaan is on the rejection of the Pascal language itself, as there are other open-source Pascal compilers (GNU Pascal in EP mode) which could have been used and enhanced to match the company requirements, while preserving the company future for the decades to come.

IMHO, implementing a EP-to-D source code converter was probably more risky than simply extending an existing Pascal Compiler in that case.

Like everybody here, I hope that Bastiaan efforts will pay in the long term, but I'm not as optimistic as many here that this will end as a success story, as I'm not sure that his teammates will really enjoy working the automatically generated D code as much as on the original source code...

Yes but their job is to make boats floating (like said Veelo at Dconf 2017, not writing compilers. Pascal lags behind and not a few, in term of expressiveness. Also transpilation of Pascal to something else is simple because no semantic is needed.

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