On Monday, 23 July 2018 at 13:02:33 UTC, Zheng (Vic) Luo wrote:

Another issue of this program is that me, as an incoming graduate in the U.S., are prohibited to "work" in my first school year. (that law doesn't affect GSoC since summer is considered as the second school year). I'm not sure whether contributing to open-source projects is considered as "work" here. There are some legal issues related. I'm looking forward to some clarifications like (https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/faq#is_gsoc_considered_an_internship_a_job_or_any_form_of_employment) stating that this program is an "employment" or not.

I can't definitively answer whether not the U.S. government would consider it work, but I can tell you that neither Symmetry nor the D Language Foundation consider it employment; they view it just as Google does. I'll add that to the FAQ.

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