On Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 22:08:36 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

I don't speak for the compiler devs, but IMO, one-letter variables are OK if they are local, and cover a relatively small scope.

By saying more descriptive I should have clarified that I meant to change them to 3-7 letter names. Small variable names are ok for small functions like the one in attrib.d called void importAll(Scope* sc). It has variable named sc and its clear where it is used.

Now for all of you who think that one letter variables are ok here is exercise. Go and open src/dmd/func.d with your favorite code editor. Find function FuncDeclaration resolveFuncCall(). Its around 170 LOC long. Now find all uses of variable Dsymbol s. Did you found them all? Are you sure? Ok now do the same for variable loc. See the difference?

Java-style verbosity IMO makes code *harder* to read because the verbosity gets > in your face, crowding out the more interesting (and important) larger picture of code structure.

What editor do you use?
Here is the worst example to prove my point but its still sufficient. All editors worth your time highlights the same text when selected and here is example of one letter variable.
and tree letter variable

where is all that crowding and loss of large picture you speak of? Its the opposite. Code structure is more clear with longer variable names than one letter.

As Walter said in his recent talk, the length of variable names (or identifiers in general, really) should roughly correspond to their scope

At best this is argument form authority. You said how thing should be not why. For argument sake imagine situation where you need to expand function. By your proposed rules you should rename local variables to longer names. Thats ridiculous. Yes I watched that presentation and fully disagree with Walter and know for sure he doesnt have sound argument to support his position.

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