On Friday, 7 February 2020 at 19:51:52 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
Now it gets more complicated, GtkD has some additions to the lgpl rules.

I cannot judge how high the risk is for companies to use this component, but as an employee I do anything to avoid any risk for the company I work for.

Kind regards

The changes are the following:
1) Modification to work on another platform is not a modified or derivative work 2) Static linking is not a modified or derivative work and you do not need to include source code.
3) You have to identify that you use GtkD.

If anything, 1 and 2 should make it easier to use GtkD with your company versus a standard LGPL. The price you pay is #3. So long as you do #3, it isn't any worse than a normal LGPL license.

I work in an industry where the goal is to take smart risks and be compensated for it. Almost everything is a risk. The question is if the risk is worth it or not. If using GtkD saves you X more hours a year in programming time than the C API, then that helps put a dollar value of the benefit. I think the cost is relatively minor, but that's for your company to decide.
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