On Monday, 25 May 2020 at 15:07:19 UTC, Petar Kirov [ZombineDev] wrote:
I don't want to change the definition of @safe in D, but would rather like if D supported @strongSafe, that interested people like me could opt into. I know that worded like this it may sound like too narrow feature to add to the language (or at least not having favorable complexity/use cases ratio). So instead, I'd like to have transitive UDAs [1], a feature that has been requested by many, for various use cases ;)

[1]: Basically I want to be able to implement function attributes like @nogc or nothrow in user-space, but that's a long way from now, as first, we need to be able to introspect function bodies.

Sounds to me like a great use-case for the DMD-frontend-as-a-library project.

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