On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 at 09:27:53 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, November 14, 2023 12:37:29 PM MST Sergey via Digitalmars-d- announce wrote:
+1 to Steven’s approach

Idk why DLF don’t like KISS approach :(

Their focus is on allowing existing dub packages to continue to compile without any effort whatsoever on the part of anyone using them, because the breakage of dub packages over time as the language changes has become a serious issue (that's the main reason that they started looking at doing editions in the first place).

Maybe I didn't understand the approach.
like let's assume several editions already in place (and we are in 2030) and the project has several dependencies:
- main code (works with latest version. Latest edition)
- depmain.1 (work only with edition 2022)
- depmain.2 (work only with edition 2023)
 |- dep2.1 (work with editions 2023-2027)
 |- dep2.2 (work only with edition 2029)

So instead of force users to explicitly specify editions in dub.jsons - DLF propose to use just "dub build" (without any changes in code of dependency packages and main project) and somehow each edition should be identified for each package?

Whether that's the right approach is certainly debatable (and personally, I'd rather see something in dub take care of it rather than require that new code slap editions stuff everywhere), but there is a good reason for the approach that they're currently looking at taking.

- Jonathan M Davis

I think when Grim was ranting about breaking changes and how hard for him fixing it - he meant fixing real code, and I would be quite surprise if for him it will be hard to add into his dub.json/sdl 1 line:
"edition" : ["D2022"]

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