------- Comment #9 from  2009-04-20 07:25 -------
(In reply to comment #8)
> (In reply to comment #7)
> > (In reply to comment #3)
> > > SDWF tries to get around this by running a collection if creation of a GDI
> > > object fails, in case it frees some system resources in order to try 
> > > again. 
> > > But maybe what we really need is some kind of monitoring system.  How does
> > > DMD's GC decide when to run, anyway?
> > 
> > Collection is triggered by gc_malloc() when no free space can be found.
> So it waits until the system runs out of memory before trying to free some? 
> This way, D programs are almost bound to run down system memory, denying it to
> other programs, sooner or later.  If you're running several programs that rely
> on this gc_malloc implementation or similar, at a given time one of them is
> likely to be at or near its peak in memory consumption.  Generally speaking,
> one program's memory demand cannot trigger another program to collect its
> garbage.

It doesn't. gc_malloc() uses an internal pool of memory, when no memory in
*that* pool is not found, the collection is triggered, if that collection
couldn't find some free memory, then the GC ask the OS for some more. So nobody
can trigger a collection but the program itself.

Anyway, this is a little off-topic. This bug report is not about that =)


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