--- Comment #41 from 2013-09-22 20:07:53 PDT ---
(In reply to comment #40)
> (In reply to comment #39)
> > This leads to a lot of duplication, for example the authors had to 
> > duplicate c
> > bindings just to address this:
> > where they point to this bug.
> I wonder if as a workaround you could type the prototypes in D as:
> // note the .tupleof
> sfWindow* sfWindow_create(VideoMode.tupleof mode, const(char)* title, uint
> style, const(ContextSettings)* settings);

corrected that to sfWindow_create(typeof(VideoMode.tupleof), ...)

> And then call it via:
> VideoMode vm;
> sfWindow_create(vm.tupleof, ...);

still segfaults

> I'd assume this would then properly use the stack? It's worth trying out to
> avoid any new code duplication, and then when 5570 is finally fixed all you
> have to do in user code is to remove ".tupleof" in the calls.

so far my (sad) woraround is to add a new C function that takes a pointer to
the struct, and link against it.

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