Hello, I'm being driven nuts by this problem, I don't know 100% if it's it's a bug or if it's intended behavior, I'm new to D( also new to reporting bugs ) so I can't really tell.

Anyway, the problem is, if I call rdmd from outside the folder in which the main source resides in, and main includes another file in that folder, I get an error.



// main.d
module main;
import test.d;
void main()
// end main.d
// test.d
module test.d;
import std.stdio;
void hello()
// end test.d

// If I'm in a shell, and I do this, I get an error:
...\projectfolder>rdmd src\main.d
src\main.d(2): Error: module test is in file 'test.d' which cannot be read
import path[0] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos
import path[1] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\druntime\import

// but if I do this, it works:
...\projectfolder\src>rdmd main.d

...\projectfolder\src>Hello world

// also works
...\projectfolder\src>dmd main.d test.d

Anyway, I want to be able to compile with rdmd from a different folder, is this a bug? or should I use a different tool? :-S

Other info:
OS: Windows
rdmd build 20101220
dmd: 2.050

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