Add -Ifullpath_to_projectfolder\src. It's the way it works IMHO, if you import 
something it must be relative to search path or to current dir. There may be a 
better way (replace current dir with the dir where source is, but it will take 
away control), but this works.

There is a bug though, I can't make it work with -Irelative_path_to_src. Looks 
like .deps contain paths relative to where rdmd was ran, while dmd interprets 
them as paths relative to where .deps file is.

I've tried -I"path to src" but this doesn't work either, but I've found a workaround. I start a batch file that goes to the correct directory and then executes rdmd with the argument(the absolute path) I pass to the batch file, this works :D

Thanks for the help!

So, should I report this as a bug?

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