23.05.2020 12:27, Tim пишет:
class Sprite{
     /// Postional components of the sprite
     int* x, y;
     SDL_Surface* image_surface;
     auto parent;

     this(const char* path, auto parent){
         this.parent = parent;

     void update(){
         // Copy loaded image to window surface
         writeln("Sprites x: ",  *x);
         SDL_Rect dstRect;
         dstRect.x = parent.x;
         dstRect.y = parent.y;
         SDL_BlitSurface(image_surface, null, g_surface, &dstRect);

You can make the Sprite class templated one:
class Sprite(T){
    /// Postional components of the sprite
    int* x, y;
    SDL_Surface* image_surface;
    T parent;

    this(const char* path, T parent){
        this.parent = parent;

    void update(){
        // Copy loaded image to window surface
        writeln("Sprites x: ",  *x);
        SDL_Rect dstRect;
        dstRect.x = parent.x;
        dstRect.y = parent.y;
        SDL_BlitSurface(image_surface, null, g_surface, &dstRect);

auto sprite(T)(const char* path, T parent)
        return new Sprite!T(path, parent);
and use it like:
auto sprite = sprite(path, this);

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