On 8/13/20 4:04 PM, Andre Pany wrote:

in the specification https://dlang.org/spec/interfaceToC.html#storage_allocation there is this paragraph: "Leaving a pointer to it on the stack (as a parameter or automatic variable), as the garbage collector will scan the stack."

I have some trouble to understand what does this mean. Given this example:

import std;

void main()
     int* i;

extern(C) export void sample(int** i)
     *i = new int();
     **i = 42;

Int variable is created on the heap. How do I leave a pointer on the stack?
(In the real coding, sample function will be called from Delphi)

The garbage collector scans all of the stack as if it were an array of pointers. So if you have a pointer to it anywhere on the stack, it won't be collected.

However, it only scans threads that the runtime knows about.


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