On 9/4/20 10:27 AM, glis-glis wrote:
On Thursday, 3 September 2020 at 14:34:48 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Oh, multiple binaries, I missed that. You can try to add multiple configurations [1]. Or if you have executables depending on only one source file, you can use single-file packages [2].

Thanks, but this still means I would have to write an install-script running

`dub build --single`

on each script, right?
I looked at tsv-utils [1] which seems to be a similar use-case as mine, and they declare each tool as a subpackage. The main package runs a d-file called `dub_build.d` which compiles all subpackages. Fells like an overkill to me, I'll probably just stick to a makefile.

[1] https://github.com/eBay/tsv-utils/blob/master/docs/AboutTheCode.md#building-and-makefile

I don't know is it suitable for your use case but I do the following:
1. add a recipe in every tool files like:
drug@drug: ~/utils$ cat ./tools/count.d
#!/usr/bin/env dub
/+ dub.sdl:
        name        "count"
        targetType  "executable"
        targetPath  "../bin"
        targetName  "count"

        dependency "abcdLibrary" version="*" path="path/to/abcdLibrary"

int main()
2. place all tool files into one directory `tools`
3. build them using `dub build --single tools/count.d`
4. Now I have all binary in `bin` directory, all sources in `tools` directory and have no subpackages at all

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