On Friday, 4 September 2020 at 07:27:33 UTC, glis-glis wrote:
On Thursday, 3 September 2020 at 14:34:48 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Oh, multiple binaries, I missed that. You can try to add multiple configurations [1]. Or if you have executables depending on only one source file, you can use single-file packages [2].

Thanks, but this still means I would have to write an install-script running

`dub build --single`

on each script, right?
I looked at tsv-utils [1] which seems to be a similar use-case as mine, and they declare each tool as a subpackage. The main package runs a d-file called `dub_build.d` which compiles all subpackages. Fells like an overkill to me, I'll probably just stick to a makefile.

[1] https://github.com/eBay/tsv-utils/blob/master/docs/AboutTheCode.md#building-and-makefile

The `dub_build.d` is so that people can use `$ dub fetch` to download and build the tools with `$ dub run`, from code.dlang.org. dub fetch/run is the typical dub sequence. But it's awkward. And it geared toward users that have a D compiler plus dub already installed. For building your own binaries you might as well use `make`. However, if you decide to add your tools to the public dub package registry you might consider the technique.

My understanding is that the dub developers recognize that multiple binaries are inconvenient at present and have ideas on improvements. Having a few more concrete use cases might help nail down the requirements.

The tsv-utils directory layout may be worth a look. It's been pretty successful for multiple binaries in a single repo with some shared code. (Different folks made suggestions leading to this structure.) It works for both make and dub, and works well with other tools, like dlpdocs (Adam Ruppe's doc generator). The tsv-utils `make` setup is quite messy at this point, you can probably do quite a bit better.


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