On Saturday, 19 September 2020 at 13:32:07 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Saturday, 19 September 2020 at 13:23:29 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
On Tuesday, 18 August 2020 at 06:25:31 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
On Sunday, 16 August 2020 at 18:13:07 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
Just as a drive-by comment, the main stdio thing I came across that I couldn't do from within @safe was stdout.flush(), which I need to call manually for Cygwin terminals and some terminals embedded in editors (vscode). If someone knows why, please tell me.

Cygwin terminals are not recognized as terminals, you should set line buffered mode, then it will flush every line.

How do I do this?



I don't have a clone of druntime/Phobos available to me right now, so some follow-up questions.

It looks like full buffering _IOFBF is the default setting, but "normal" non-Cygwin stdio certainly seems to do line buffering. Is it getting set to line buffering _IOLBF during initialisation of stdout? (Why then is Cygwin exempt?)

Is there a way to detect programmatically if I'm in an environment where I need to manually set line buffering?

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