Found a pretty nasty bug in vibe-d:

And it's caused by this behavior.

import std;

struct Foo {
    Bar bar;
    bool err;

    ~this() {
// scope(failure) destroy(bar); // < this fixes the Bar destructor call
        enforce(!err, "Test err");

struct Bar {
    static int refs;
    ~this() { refs--; }

void main()
        Foo f;
        Bar.refs = 1;
    assert(Bar.refs == 0);

    try () {
        Foo f;
        f.err = true;
        Bar.refs = 1;
    catch (Exception ex) {}
    assert(Bar.refs == 0);

So when the exception is thrown within Foo destructor (and it's bad on it's own but can easily happen as destructors aren't nothrow @nogc by default).

Is this behavior expected?

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