Personally, I don't appreciate error handling models much which pollute the return type of each function simply because of the conclusion that every function you define have to handle errors as errors can happen everywhere even in pure functions.

You don't believe me? What about memory overflow errors which can occur in any stack/heap allocation? Don't know how this is handled in D but in Java you got exceptions for this as well.

The other point is the direction which is chosen in Go and Rust to make error handling as deterministic as possible by enumerating all possible error types. Afaict, this isn't a good idea as this increases the fragile code problem by over specifying behavior. Any change requires a cascade of updates if this is possible at all.
What you do in Rust then?, simply panic?
Though, it doesn't mean that it is bad in every case.

By churning different language design forums it all comes down to the point, every time, that the default error handling model equipped with the considered language is dump and that people call for extensions from other languages, even ones which include exception handling to improve things.

I see this in Rust and Go and even in Swift forums that people are annoyed how it currently works.

No error handling model was the HIT and will never be, therefore I would recommend to leave things as they are and to develop alternatives and not to replace existing ones.

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