On Thursday, 25 February 2021 at 15:28:25 UTC, kdevel wrote:
On Monday, 22 February 2021 at 13:23:40 UTC, Danny Arends wrote:
On Friday, 19 February 2021 at 15:39:25 UTC, kdevel wrote:


Fortunately the D runtime /does/ take care and it throws---if the signal
is ignored beforehand. I filed issue 21649.


Perhaps a bit late,

It's never too late.™ :-)

but this is how I deal with pipes and spawnShell.
Read one byte at a time from stdout and stderr:


Is this immune to SIGPIPE and is this design able to serve infinite

No I have linked up a signal handler to just ignore sigpipe, the web server closes connections after not seeing a valid output from the script for 5min (e.g. no header)

BTW: Why does run use spawnShell and not spawnProcess (would
save one File object).

I tried different approaches, this one worked for me™ and I just went with it. I need the stdin (for the get/post/cookies) stdout (php/d/brainf*ck script output) and stderr for the error stream from he external script

If the design is not intended to serve infinite streams I would
suggest to open two temporary files "out" and "err", delete them,
and let the child process write stdout/stderr into those files.

I used to do that, but it generated a lot of temporary files, and I would need to parse in the files after the process is done to serve the output to the client. Using pipes is cleaner code wise, since I can just stream back the output to the client (e.g. in keepalive connections)

IFAICS this avoid threads, sleep, pipe and reading with fgetc.

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