On Saturday, 3 April 2021 at 13:50:27 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 03.04.21 15:34, DLearner wrote:
The following produces the expected result.
However, changing extern(C) to extern(D) causes linker failures.
To me, that is bizarre.
extern(C) int xvar;

extern extern(C) int xvar;

With `extern (C)`, those two `xvar`s refer to the same data.
Without `extern (C)` (or with `extern (D)`), they are distinct variables with no relation to another. In D, you don't re-declare another module's symbols. You import the other module.

module testmain;

import std.stdio: writeln;
import testmod: testsub, xvar;

void main()
    xvar = 1;
    writeln(xvar); /* prints "1" */
    writeln(xvar); /* prints "2" */

module testmod;

int xvar; /* same as `extern (D) int xvar;` */

void testsub()
   xvar = 2;

Thank you, your suggestions worked.
No externs anywhere.
For the record, the code is below.
import itf;
import testmod:testsub;
void main() {
   import std.stdio;

   writeln("Entering: main");
   xvar = 1;
   writeln("xvar=", xvar);
   writeln("xvar=", xvar);

   writeln("Leaving: main");

module itf;
int xvar;

module testmod;
import itf;
void testsub() {

   import std.stdio;

   writeln("Entering: testsub");
   writeln("xvar=", xvar);
   xvar = 2;
   writeln("xvar=", xvar);
   writeln("Leaving: testsub");

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