On Saturday, 15 May 2021 at 11:25:10 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:

Is there some obvious trick or way of looking at the problem that I'm missing?

In addition to what Adam said, if you do need to store the result for use in a friendlier form, just import `std.array` and append `.array` to the end of the pipeline. This will eagerly allocate space for and copy the range elements to an array, i.e., convert the range to a container:

auto mega_range = range1.range2!(lambda2).range3!(lambda3).array;

Sometimes you may want to set up a range and save it for later consumption, but not necessarily as a container. In that case, just store the range itself as you already do, and pass it to a consumer when you're ready. That might be `.array` or it could be `foreach` or something else.

auto mega_range = range1.range2!(lambda2).range3!(lambda3);

// later
foreach(elem; mega_range) {

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